Meeting Room Policy

The primary purpose of the library's meeting room is to provide a space for library and library-related activities. The needs of The Brumback Library and the Friends of The Brumback Library will take precedence. When a meeting room is not in use for library activity, the space will be available to be reserved during regular library business hours to educational, cultural, civic, social, political, religious, professional, or other non-profit organizations, or to persons volunteering as tutors as part of a non-profit program subject to the following terms:

Terms for Use of Public Meeting Spaces

  1. Persons or groups must submit a request by calling the library. Preference will be given to requests put in at least 7 days in advance.
  2. The signer of the Meeting Room Reservation Form must be at least 18 years of age and is responsible for the orderly conduct of the group.
  3. The library charges no fees for the use of the meeting room. If any damage to library property and/or equipment occurs the Director shall obtain estimates for the repair of the damage or the cost to replace the lost property. The individual or group will be responsible to pay that amount to The Brumback Library. A fee for janitorial services may be assessed if the room is not left in the condition in which it was found.
  4. Walk-in use of the room is permitted on an “as available” basis for smaller groups such as tutors, study groups or small private meetings. Walk-in use must still adhere to the Meeting Room Policy.
  5. A group or individual using a meeting room more than once for the same purpose need only complete the form annually; a copy of the completed form will be kept on file at the library.
  6. A meeting room may be reserved up to three (3) months in advance of the meeting date, and a group may have no more than three (3) meetings scheduled at a time. Meeting spaces will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, as scheduling permits.
  7. Meeting spaces are available for public use during regularly scheduled Library operating hours. All meetings must be completed fifteen (15) minutes before the library closes unless prior approval is given by the Director or designee. The Director or any supervisor may terminate a meeting in progress for exceeding the time limit.
  8. The Brumback Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation with no less than 48 hours notice, if the space is required for use by the library or a library related organization. The Brumback Library will make every effort to avoid scheduling library sponsored events which conflict with previously scheduled public use of meeting spaces, however in the event such a conflict arises, library use will supersede public use.
  9. If the library must close due to weather or unforeseen circumstances the event will be canceled.
  10. The library makes no endorsement, expressed or implied, of any non-library event or activity held in the meeting room. Publicity of such events must include a disclaimer to this effect.
  11. Only The Brumback Library or the Friends of The Brumback Library may use the meeting room for the promotion or sales of services or products, fundraising, or conducting classes for profits. However, the library may permit presenters at library-sponsored programs to sell merchandise related to the subject or activity of their programs. The library will grant this permission either to reduce the cost of the program to the library or to raise funds for The Brumback Library. Likewise, a library-sponsored program may have a registration charge to defray or reduce the cost of the program to the library.
  12. No smoking or alcohol is allowed in the Library or on Library property.
  13. Refreshments may be served. Red or dark colored punch or beverages may not be served unless permission granted by the Director. A group serving refreshments is responsible for providing all serving utensils and for cleaning up following its meeting.
  14. The Brumback Library assumes no responsibility for theft or damage to property brought onto library property or for injuries, which occur as a result of actions of sponsors or participants in activities in the meeting space.
  15. The Brumback Library Code of Conduct also applies to meeting rooms.
  16. Meeting room events must not interfere with library operations.
  17. Facilities may not be used for any activities prohibited by City, County, State or Federal law. Unlawful activities will be reported to the local authorities.
  18. The Brumback Library retains the right to deny the space to any user whose planned use of the space does not comply with these terms. Meetings must be conducted so as not to disturb others using the library. Groups or individuals that disturb library activities or library users will be denied future use of meeting rooms.
  19. Authorization to use The Brumback Library facilities may be revoked by the Director or his/her designee upon violation of any Policy, rule or procedure. Persons or organizations refused the use of a meeting space or whose privileges have been revoked, shall be informed of the right to appeal in writing to the The Brumback Library Board for Trustees. Such appeals must be submitted in writing to the Board within 10 days after the notice of refusal to use the meeting space or the revocation of use of the meeting space.
  20. The Director is responsible for the administration of this policy and for establishing administrative procedures for its implementation.
  21. The Brumback Library reserves the right to alter and amend the rules governing the use of meeting spaces without notice.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 10/17/24

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