Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Image Description
cross section of circuitry over a brain "Millions of topics"
EBSCOhost Databases

A variety of resources hosted by EBSCO. Search many databases at once by selecting from a list.

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image of orange frog - "Explora primary - facts for grades k-5"
Explora Primary School

Look up articles and facts from magazines and books, also browse categories with this resource. Designed for elementary aged children.

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image of explore home page
Explora Public Libraries
Research magazine and journal articles from reliable sources. Book chapters, biographies, primary source documents, images, videos and more are available for students.
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image of planet - "Explora secondary - facts for grades 6-12
Explora Secondary Schools

Articles and books for high school age students. Features include categories to browse, topic overview, citation tools, and Text-to-Speech.

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image of home page for Funk & Wagnalls
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
This database provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas.
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"ohio web library - OWL"
Ohio Web Library

These online research resources are provided by Ohio libraries to all Ohio residents.

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  image of books "Oxford research encyclopedias - everything you need to know"
Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Substantive, peer-reviewed, and regularly updated, the Oxford Research Encyclopedias combine the speed & flexibility of digital with the rigorous standards of academic publishing.

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"very short introductions"
Very Short Introductions

Oxford University Press provides a wide variety of academic topics presented in a "highly readable" way by experts in the field of each subject matter covered.

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home page of world book online
World Book

World Book Online is a suite of online research tools that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related websites.

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homepage of world book advanced
World Book Advanced
Encyclopedia, dictionary and media resources. Includes a citation builder. Headlines, "Today in History", and other current topics are featured.
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image of hot air balloons "world book L'Encyclopedie Decouverte"
World Book French

Encylopedia articles and media in French, including a visual dictionary.

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sled dogs in the snow "world book kids"
World Book Kids

Image-based articles, lesson plans, maps, games, and more learning tools for elementary aged users.

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image of iguana - "world book - banco de contenidos aulaplaneta"
World Book Spanish for Adults

World Book content in Spanish for adults. 

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image of bunny and bird - "world book - encyclopedia estudiantil Hallazgas"
World Book Spanish for Students

Encyclopedia articles, media, and more in Spanish. For Spanish speakers of elementary age and beyond.

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image of space walk "world book student"
World Book Student



Content for upper-elementary and middle grade students. Users can save, cite, and organize article pages and more with research tools. 

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worldbook timelines homepage - History of the automobile
World Book Timelines

Research timelines of historical figures, events, and topics. Users can also create and save their own timelines with tools provided.

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